Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Me? Oh yea, maybe so!

I have so many ideas of things I want to add to this blog.  One of them being the gear I use and why I love it.  It's just that time thing again that gets in my way.

  I was planning on taking a trip to see a friend, and do you want to know when that trip was scheduled?  One week before my very first 13.1.  HA!!  What was I thinking?  Oh yea, I remember now, I was obviously thinking I was superwoman.  So now I have postponed that trip to be scheduled for another day.  I may think I want things to slow down, but secretly I must love going a million miles an hour.  It makes those times I get to slow down so much sweeter.

  So yesterday I was having a chat with a friend just before I was headed out for my 50 minute cross train, which turned out to be a 3 mile walk that I really surprised myself with!  She was lamenting to me about how at one point in her life she was so dedicated to keeping fit and eating right, she had her nose to the grindstone and wasn't wavering for anything (just for your minds eye this woman doesn't look unfit now in anyway, just goes to prove being healthy is far more important than a number on the scale), then she said how she wishes she could go back to that and said "kind of like you", then I was thinking YAY someone else is reading my blog!...then I thought for a second...she isn't a Facebook friend, and I have never told her about my blog, so she couldn't have read my post on my other blog about wanting to go back to when I had it all together being clean and organized (June Cleaver type), so wait...what she ultimately just said to me was that I was that person who wouldn't waiver, who was accomplishing a goal, who had my nose to the grind stone...WHAT???  WOW!  Someone sees me that way??  So here I am in the middle of it, and for a moment I stop picking on myself and realize, yea, maybe I am right there right now, and the fear of losing this momentum has got me scheming and planning  my every next move.  My commitment, discipline, and dedication is mostly derived from the fear of losing it all and going back to lazy.  That may be my motivation, but the strength that lets me do it all Comes from The LORD Jesus.

  Today is my 8 miler.  I started my period yesterday, so last night was like cramming for midterms.  I hurried and pulled up that article about running and having your monthly visitor.  There was a lot of good information in there, but it talks about adjusting your training to your cycle, and that is like adjusting a knitting pattern from a small to a large, I just don't think I could do it.  So today I am going to do what I can.  I have a salad for lunch, and raisins and candy for the run.  Plenty of water, magazines, and an iPhone.  I blow-dried my hair last night and put on lipgloss this morning.  One thing I kept thinking was, oh I shouldn't bother with my hair as I am just going to pull it back, get all sweaty and need a shower anyway, but there is this running pic of me on my desktop that when I look at it I feel pretty.  Granted my hair do was left over from the night before, but it looks better pulled back once it has been done than it does all fro(ed) out!  I really do think that feeling beautiful on the inside and outside when I am running helps me reach my goal, and on a day like this...I need all the help I can get.

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